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greater efficiency and less waste

Eliminating waste is actually way more important than driving efficiency. Efficiency will help you, but waste will crush you. To waste means to use or expend carelessly, extravagantly, or for no purpose. In business, this usually manifests as time spent on things that don't matter.

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consistent control of major business processes

Process consistency allows businesses to deal with the unknown and react to changes in the competitive landscape. Process consistency allows companies to know when they are doing things right and make changes when they are not.

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understanding of customer needs

Customer needs are the psychological and physical motivations that make someone want to purchase a product or service and stay loyal to that business. For example, customers today need quick and convenient ways to reach support online.

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managing growth more effectively

Setting goals and aligning growth with those goals will help focus your business's resources effectively and help the business succeed over the long term.

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embedded culture of quality

Leaders interested in embedding quality into their organization's culture need to look beyond the use of structures, systems, and processes and pay attention to incentives such as providing employees inspiration (by how the leaders act) and empowerment (so employees feel they have both input and control of their work)

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increased profits reduction of costly errors

Negotiating with suppliers, shopping for the best deals, or purchasing bulk. Another way to reduce costs is to cut overhead expenses such as electricity, rent, or salaries. Finally, companies can also increase their profits by increasing sales.

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increased customer satisfaction

There's no way of knowing whether your customers are satisfied with your product or what they want you to update or fix, unless you ask them directly and actively listen to their response. Listening and responding to your users helps you retain more customers and build product loyalty.

FutherMain Features

To try the most advanced business


Biometric credentials

These include fingerprints, facial recognition, and other biological patterns used to identify individuals. Biometric credentials are increasingly popular due to their security and convenience.

  • Fingerprints.
  • Facial recognition.
  • Voice recognition.
  • Iris recognition.
  • Palm or finger vein patterns.

Automate rotation and reduce credential risks

Automated features simplify the process of organization-wide management while keeping your business compliant. This also helps with continuous auditing and session recording.

  • periodically changing keys.
  • other security credentials.

Organizational security complexity

Creating a secure organization is a complex and vital aspect for any business or organization, that requires a systematic approach. Organizations must take a step-by-step approach to build secure processes and systems with the help of appropriate people, process, and technological controls.

  • Confidentiality.
  • Integrity.
  • Authenticity.
  • Availability.

Zero Trust

Zero Trust Compatibility By leveraging just-in-time (JIT) access, ephemeral certificates, and additional authentication methods, Zero Trust takes a “never trust, always verify” approach.

  • Identify users, devices, and digital assets that need network access.
  • Identify sensitive data.
  • Create Zero Trust policy.
  • Design Zero Trust architecture.
  • Implement Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA).
  • Monitor your network.

Automate the onboarding process

Automating the KYC onboarding is a fundamental practice in effective credential management. Automation streamlines the collection and verification of customer data and accelerates the process, enhancing conversion rates. It also ensures that regulatory requirements are met, maintaining compliance with financial regulations. Such a fluid and faster approach to onboarding boosts operational efficiency and customer satisfaction by reducing waiting times and friction during the account creation stage.

  • Compliance.
  • Clarification,.
  • Culture.
  • Connection

Strong authentication

Strong authentication. Leverages the application workloads native characteristics to strongly authenticate applications and eliminate “secret zero”.

  • Password Based Login.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication.
  • Biometric Authentication.

Security policy enforcement

Security policy enforcement refers to the process of ensuring that an organization's security policies are implemented and enforced across all systems and applications.

  • managing network
  • application connectivity
  • access

Never share credentials

Cybercriminals are looking for anyone with resources willing to take the bait and give them access. No business or account is too small to be a victim. To prevent phishing attacks, users should never share login credentials over text, phone, or email.

  • You have no control over how someone else uses your password.
  • You cannot control who else sees or accesses your password.
  • You cannot control how your password is exposed to vulnerabilities.

Log all user activity

User activity log events describe all domain and security management tasks that a user completes. Use the user activity log events to determine when a user created, updated, or removed services, nodes, users, groups, or roles. The Service Manager writes user activity log events when the Service Manager needs to authorize a user to perform.

  • Activities logged in Users and Partners.
  • Activities logged in Users Groups.
  • Activities logged in Invites.
  • Activities logged in Email sign-ins.
  • Activities logged in Partner Access Requests.


Encryption at rest ensures that user credentials are protected even if the system is compromised, as the data is stored in an encrypted format that can only be decrypted with the proper keys. Basic encryption types

  • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
  • Triple DES.
  • Blowfish.
  • Rivest -Shamir-Adleman (RSA)

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Our team of experts is dedicated to delivering innovative IT solutions that drive business success. With years of experience in software development, project management, and technical expertise, our team members are passionate about leveraging technology to solve real-world problems.

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Our leaders inspire and motivate

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and let's see what are they saying

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam dolor sit amet consectetuer elit

Mark Nilson


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit euismod tincidunt aliquam dolor sit amet consectetuer elit

Lisa Wong


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer elit euismod tincidunt aliquam dolor sit amet elit

Nick Dalton


Fusce mattis vestibulum felis, vel semper mi interdum quis. Vestibulum ligula turpis, aliquam a molestie quis, gravida eu libero.

Alex Janmaat


Vestibulum sodales imperdiet euismod.

Jeffrey Veen


Praesent sed sollicitudin mauris. Praesent eu metus laoreet, sodales orci nec, rutrum dui.

Inna Rose


Sed ornare enim ligula, id imperdiet urna laoreet eu. Praesent eu metus laoreet, sodales orci nec, rutrum dui.

Jacob Nelson


Adipiscing elit euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam dolor sit amet consectetuer elit

John Doe


Nam euismod fringilla turpis vitae tincidunt, adipiscing elit euismod tincidunt aliquam dolor sit amet consectetuer elit

Michael Stawson

Graphic Designer

Quisque eget mi non enim efficitur fermentum id at purus.

Liam Nelsson


Integer et ante dictum, hendrerit metus eget, ornare massa.

Madison Klarsson


Vestibulum sodales imperdiet euismod.

Ava Veen


Ut sit amet nisl nec dui lobortis gravida ut et neque. Praesent eu metus laoreet, sodales orci nec, rutrum dui.

Sophia Williams


Nam non vulputate orci. Duis sed mi nec ligula tristique semper vitae pretium nisi. Pellentesque nec enim vel magna pulvinar vulputate.

Melissa Korn


Product Portfolio

All Stuff
Integration and Automation
Credential Tracking
Security and Access Control
Analytics and Insights

Our Work
Integration and Automation

Centralized Repository-Store and manage all credentials in a single, secure location. Automated Tracking-Track expiration dates, renewal requirements, and compliance status. Real-time Alerts-Receive notifications for upcoming expirations, renewals, or compliance issues. Verification-Validate credentials against original sources or third-party databases. Reporting-Generate reports on credential distribution, compliance, and expiration.

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$99/ month
  • System Storage Auditing
  • Customized Reports
  • Unlimited Training
  • Data Migration and Developer Support
  • 24X7 Online Support
  • Direct Customer Visit for Customer Support
  • Regular and Weekly Back up
$199/ month
  • System Storage Auditing
  • Customized Reports
  • Unlimited Training
  • Data Migration and Developer Support
  • 24X7 Online Support
  • Direct Customer Visit for Customer Support
  • Regular and Weekly Back up
$999/ month
  • System Storage Auditing
  • Customized Reports
  • Unlimited Training
  • Data Migration and Developer Support
  • 24X7 Online Support
  • Direct Customer Visit for Customer Support
  • Regular and Weekly Back up

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