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Created for all type Devices

One of the main vendors of Educational ERP systems has one of the greatest School Management Systems on the market

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Great individual Design

By automating administrative duties like as attendance monitoring, scheduling, and grading, school management system software allows instructors to spend more on teaching and less on paperwork.

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Generate Reports

The school administration system allows the faculty to create real-time reports such as grade lists, consolidated mark sheets, student registration data, receipts, and challans using software. The reports may be exported into the chosen PDF, Excel, or Word formats.

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SMS And Email Integration

Automatically send emails and SMS updates to parents and guardians on their children's daily activities. SMS and email connectivity in ERP school software keeps parents/guardians updated about activities, exams, attendance, and assignments.

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Student Diary App

Student diary, a smartphone app, is aimed to promote the participation of students, parents, and instructors by providing access to events, alerts, assignments, etc.

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Metronic is time saver

Reduces paperwork, saves time and resources.

FutherMain Features

To try the most advanced business


Library management

Library management system maintains all records related to library including book details, issued books, returns and so on.

User-Friendly Interface

The User Interface of the school management system is easy to use, offering improved interactive facilities for different users at school. It enables the school to manage operations efficiently without any technical helps.All you need is the basic knowledge of operting a computer.


The timetable is a list that shows the times in the week at which particular subjects are taught to student. and list of the complete set of offered courses, as well as the time and place of each course offered. then its reflects the entire educational. program followed in the school.


Attendance module is used to take Staff and Student attendance easily and the reason of the absence can be captured. and participating in educational activities arranged by the school.Without good attendance, you will not be able to achieve the academic goals that you set for yourself.

Staff management

Staff Module helps to recruit the best possible human resources for different job roles in the organization. and then its used to track staff registration, assigning subjects, classes and so on. We Offer customized staff management system software to update the current activities.

Data Security And Backup

A cloud-based service saves data on the cloud instead of decentralized databases. Therefore, the data is retrieved easily. The backup of data is automatic, and the school doesn’t have to invest in hardware to store data.

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Over 30.000 Customers

and let's see what are they saying

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam dolor sit amet consectetuer elit

Mark Nilson


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit euismod tincidunt aliquam dolor sit amet consectetuer elit

Lisa Wong


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer elit euismod tincidunt aliquam dolor sit amet elit

Nick Dalton


Fusce mattis vestibulum felis, vel semper mi interdum quis. Vestibulum ligula turpis, aliquam a molestie quis, gravida eu libero.

Alex Janmaat


Vestibulum sodales imperdiet euismod.

Jeffrey Veen


Praesent sed sollicitudin mauris. Praesent eu metus laoreet, sodales orci nec, rutrum dui.

Inna Rose


Sed ornare enim ligula, id imperdiet urna laoreet eu. Praesent eu metus laoreet, sodales orci nec, rutrum dui.

Jacob Nelson


Adipiscing elit euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam dolor sit amet consectetuer elit

John Doe


Nam euismod fringilla turpis vitae tincidunt, adipiscing elit euismod tincidunt aliquam dolor sit amet consectetuer elit

Michael Stawson

Graphic Designer

Quisque eget mi non enim efficitur fermentum id at purus.

Liam Nelsson


Integer et ante dictum, hendrerit metus eget, ornare massa.

Madison Klarsson


Vestibulum sodales imperdiet euismod.

Ava Veen


Ut sit amet nisl nec dui lobortis gravida ut et neque. Praesent eu metus laoreet, sodales orci nec, rutrum dui.

Sophia Williams


Nam non vulputate orci. Duis sed mi nec ligula tristique semper vitae pretium nisi. Pellentesque nec enim vel magna pulvinar vulputate.

Melissa Korn


Product Portfolio

All Stuff
Auto Finance
Payroll Processing

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Easy-to-use accounting software, WS-Auto Finance Accounting helps your business invoice customers, pay bills, manage inventory and stay on top of banking.

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Our Plan

To try the most advanced business

$509 / Month
  • System Storage Auditing
  • Customized Reports
  • Unlimited Training
  • Data Migration and Developer Support
  • 24X7 Online Support
  • Direct Customer Visit for Customer Support
  • Regular and Weekly Back up
$199 / Month
  • System Storage Auditing
  • Customized Reports
  • Unlimited Training
  • Data Migration and Developer Support
  • 24X7 Online Support
  • Direct Customer Visit for Customer Support
  • Regular and Weekly Back up
$999 / Month
  • System Storage Auditing
  • Customized Reports
  • Unlimited Training
  • Data Migration and Developer Support
  • 24X7 Online Support
  • Direct Customer Visit for Customer Support
  • Regular and Weekly Back up

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