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Accreditation Data Management System

ADMS provides an integrated and comprehensive software for compiling and managing both academic and administrative activities

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Learning management system

By keeping thorough records of classroom activities, the software manages academics in a systematic way and improves teacher-student collaboration.

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Outcome Based Education Software

OBE enables HEIs to assess, analyze, and effectively map the CO-POs. OBE Software helps universities to meet the guidelines of the NBA by improving

FutherMain Features

To try the most advanced business


Integrated Coherent System

Offers interlinking of various academic and non-academic departments to ensure smooth running of a University. This software equips universities with a cloud based system that can be accessed across departments, which is integrated with everyday transactional and learning activities.

Connecting Stakeholders

Minimize manual errors and ensure a strong teacher-student communication. A transparent University ERP that empowers students and reduces teacher’s workload to ease up the admission process, examination process, and announcements or provide updates on campus activities

Eliminates Manual Work

The ERP system for university eliminates data entry and manual work which is repetitive, tedious, and heavily time-consuming to increase efficiency and productivity. It offers automation of all the academic and non-academic activities, which reduces the significant workload of faculty and staff.

Better Administrative Rights

The software is based on modern technologies which supports various applications such as exam & admission fees payment apps. Also, the software provides admin rights to the head of the institution wherein the functioning of all operations can be monitored on one dashboard

Our Great Team







A cloud-based university management system is an ERP solution that enables streamlining of all university operations and the automation of tasks. It includes fee management, admissions, payroll, curriculum management, exam management, online evaluation, classroom training, and others. All the activities conducted in universities are automated using advanced technologies.

Over 30.000 Customers

and let's see what are they saying

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Mark Nilson


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit euismod tincidunt aliquam dolor sit amet consectetuer elit

Lisa Wong


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer elit euismod tincidunt aliquam dolor sit amet elit

Nick Dalton


Fusce mattis vestibulum felis, vel semper mi interdum quis. Vestibulum ligula turpis, aliquam a molestie quis, gravida eu libero.

Alex Janmaat


Vestibulum sodales imperdiet euismod.

Jeffrey Veen


Praesent sed sollicitudin mauris. Praesent eu metus laoreet, sodales orci nec, rutrum dui.

Inna Rose


Sed ornare enim ligula, id imperdiet urna laoreet eu. Praesent eu metus laoreet, sodales orci nec, rutrum dui.

Jacob Nelson


Adipiscing elit euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam dolor sit amet consectetuer elit

John Doe


Nam euismod fringilla turpis vitae tincidunt, adipiscing elit euismod tincidunt aliquam dolor sit amet consectetuer elit

Michael Stawson

Graphic Designer

Quisque eget mi non enim efficitur fermentum id at purus.

Liam Nelsson


Integer et ante dictum, hendrerit metus eget, ornare massa.

Madison Klarsson


Vestibulum sodales imperdiet euismod.

Ava Veen


Ut sit amet nisl nec dui lobortis gravida ut et neque. Praesent eu metus laoreet, sodales orci nec, rutrum dui.

Sophia Williams


Nam non vulputate orci. Duis sed mi nec ligula tristique semper vitae pretium nisi. Pellentesque nec enim vel magna pulvinar vulputate.

Melissa Korn


Product Portfolio

All Stuff
Hostel Management
Virtual Exam
Finance Management
University Attendance Management

Our Work
Hostel Management

A university management ERP helps in the maintenance of stocks and inventories, and in the management of library, hostels, mess and canteen assets. Furthermore, the ERP can provide detailed insights into the strengths and flaws of the university

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Our Plan

To try the most advanced business

  • System Storage Auditing
  • Customized Reports
  • Unlimited Training
  • Data Migration and Developer Support
  • 24X7 Online Support
  • Direct Customer Visit for Customer Support
  • Regular and Weekly Back up
  • System Storage Auditing
  • Customized Reports
  • Unlimited Training
  • Data Migration and Developer Support
  • 24X7 Online Support
  • Direct Customer Visit for Customer Support
  • Regular and Weekly Back up
  • System Storage Auditing
  • Customized Reports
  • Unlimited Training
  • Data Migration and Developer Support
  • 24X7 Online Support
  • Direct Customer Visit for Customer Support
  • Regular and Weekly Back up

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