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Optimize inventory tracking and fulfillment

<p>Ensuring product availability goes hand-in-hand with optimizing your fulfillment potential, and thankfully, ecommerce inventory management supports both of these objectives. With proper inventory tracking, you’ll know exactly how inventory is moving so you don’t miss out on sales or ruin a customer’s experience because you’re unable to complete their order.</p>

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Inventory tracking

Inventory management software integrates with other crucial systems to improve inventory control by tracking your inventory in real time, showing you where it’s located and how it moves throughout your ecosystem. This eliminates human error, something for which a manual spreadsheet system is notorious.

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Improve inventory turnover

Common sense tells us if you continue to invest in your inventory when you have a surplus of unmoved products, you stand to lose money in both the short and long-term. Fortunately, tracking inventory in real-time keeps surplus and waste to a minimum, while also ensuring the production and storage of said inventory is handled efficiently. By preventing aging stock, you can avoid gratuitous losses and gain more control of your finished goods.

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Stock must be allocated to at least one warehouse, but quantities may be allocated to multiple warehouses, and movements between warehouses can be initiated and tracked. As warehouses will probably be in different locations where the costs might vary, Company allows for different costing methods and costs per warehouse.

FutherMain Features

To try the most advanced business


Efficient Stock Control

The module enables robust ERP inventory management software that enables businesses to control and track their stock levels effectively. It allows them to monitor stock movements, track item availability, and manage reorder points. By streamlining stock control processes, businesses can minimize stockouts, reduce excess inventory, and optimize cash flow

Greater Warehouse Management

The inventory module, when integrated with warehouse management functionalities, allows businesses to streamline their warehouse operations. It provides bin location management, order fulfillment optimization, and stock allocation features. By integrating this with warehouse management software, businesses can improve picking accuracy, reduce order processing time, and enhance overall operational efficiency.

Products Categorization

Bring ease and clarity in all warehouse operations by defining products in the Master and categorize them based on the type, location, brand, attribute and many other options. The stored information would include name, item code, item description, item group and units, along with other optional information such as standard and overhead costs.

Supplier Management

Supplier information management, vendor performance tracking , alternate vendor suggestions etc. are the common business requirements and expectation from IMS. Also it should facilitate communication between suppliers & business to streamline the procurement process

Reporting and Analytics

Customizable reports providing analytical insights on inventory performance, turnover rates, fulfillment rate, stock movement, and more aids in decision-making

Mobile Compatibility

Access to inventory information via mobile devices is very helpful for Sales persons. It enables on-the-go inventory management and updates, especially useful for staff on the warehouse floor

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inventory management allows businesses to manage their day-to-day operations on a unified platform that includes inventory, finance, logistics, planning and operations. It provides real-time information that helps gauge complex workflows, facilitate advanced automation, sell products, operate in “just-in-time” mode or maximize investments

B2B eCommerce solutions help wholesalers and retailers connect and sell in huge quantities. A robust B2B eCommerce platform allows you to reach new customers using digital marketing strategies to foster business growth. It facilitates better management of suppliers and customers.You can deliver personalized shopping experiences to customers by leveraging data to understand consumer preferences. Implementing cross-sell and up-sell recommendations to customers can boost sales.

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Mark Nilson


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Lisa Wong


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Nick Dalton


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Alex Janmaat


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Jeffrey Veen


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Inna Rose


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Jacob Nelson


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John Doe


Nam euismod fringilla turpis vitae tincidunt, adipiscing elit euismod tincidunt aliquam dolor sit amet consectetuer elit

Michael Stawson

Graphic Designer

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Liam Nelsson


Integer et ante dictum, hendrerit metus eget, ornare massa.

Madison Klarsson


Vestibulum sodales imperdiet euismod.

Ava Veen


Ut sit amet nisl nec dui lobortis gravida ut et neque. Praesent eu metus laoreet, sodales orci nec, rutrum dui.

Sophia Williams


Nam non vulputate orci. Duis sed mi nec ligula tristique semper vitae pretium nisi. Pellentesque nec enim vel magna pulvinar vulputate.

Melissa Korn


Product Portfolio

All Stuff
Increased Efficiency
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Warehouse Management

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Increased Efficiency

A centralized inventory management system manages business operations from a single source of truth. Centralizing this approach eliminates overhead and cuts costs while facilitating automation of day-to-day operations to increase productivity and drive competitive advantages.

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Our Plan

To try the most advanced business

  • System Storage Auditing
  • Customized Reports
  • Unlimited Training
  • Data Migration and Developer Support
  • 24X7 Online Support
  • Direct Customer Visit for Customer Support
  • Regular and Weekly Back up
  • System Storage Auditing
  • Customized Reports
  • Unlimited Training
  • Data Migration and Developer Support
  • 24X7 Online Support
  • Direct Customer Visit for Customer Support
  • Regular and Weekly Back up
  • System Storage Auditing
  • Customized Reports
  • Unlimited Training
  • Data Migration and Developer Support
  • 24X7 Online Support
  • Direct Customer Visit for Customer Support
  • Regular and Weekly Back up

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